sandy mack

My journey with cancer.

Exciting News!!!

On August 23, Blake Browder proposed to Katie and she said yes!!! (Amy Jo Couchman was hiding in the bushes taking pictures.) They are planning a June 2009 wedding.

Congratulations Katie and Blake!

Thursday, August 21

Okay, I told you I was not very good at this yet! I'm sorry it has taken so long to get a new post up. It's been a very busy week around here. We took Julieanne to Abilene on Saturday and were there until Tuesday helping her move in and go to Passport (Freshmen Orientation). It was very hard to leave her there but I know God will take care of her and surround her with amazing friends.

We got back from Abilene on Tuesday afternoon just in time for my treatment. Will and Steve went with me this time. The treatment went well but on the way home I started feeling pretty nauseous and that continued into Wednesday morning. I'm feeling a little better today but the nausea comes and goes.

One of the side effects of chemo is the awful taste in your mouth. Everything you eat tastes like metal, that is except for iced tea. Tea tastes so good! It's the only thing that tastes normal.

I have lost nearly all of my hair now. There is still a little bit left but I have shaved it to about a quarter inch because it is so thin. The thing about losing my hair is hard not because I loved my hair but that without hair I look sick and I feel like people look at me and feel sorry for me. I don't want people to feel sorry for me. I have a God who loves me and is carrying me through this battle and fighting for me and teaching me so much!!! God is so good!!!

Thank you all for your sweet comments and especially for your prayers!! God is sustaining me because of your faithful prayers! Until next time...

"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations." Psalm 100

2nd Cycle of Treatments

Julieanne, Me and Katie during my treatment
Me with my frozen mitts! (This could be the new Hamburger Helper Advertisement)

I'm here in the treatment center starting my second round of chemotherapy. Julieanne, Katie, and Steve came with me today (which is making the treatment go so much better). They are helping me pass the time while I endure the dreaded frozen mitts. For those of you who haven't heard about this particular excruciating experience--- I have to wear frozen mitts on my hands and my feet for one hour to prevent damage to the nerves in my fingers and toes. It is not a whole lot of fun but the time seemed to go faster today. This is the first treatment of my second cycle of chemo. In all I will have six 3 week cycles of chemotherapy treatment. The first week of each cycle involves premeds(benadryl, steroids and nausea medicine to help counter the effects of the chemo), 3 different chemo drugs, and iron. This treatment takes about 5 to 7 hours. It also produces the most side effects, but God has blessed me with minimal side effects. The following 2 weeks in each cycle only take 1 to 2 hours. They are painless with very few side effects. My treatments take place every Tuesday. So Tuesday is a day each week that I especially covet your prayers! I have 4 treatments behind me now with 14 to go. Yea!!! And my doctor tells me that she believes the tumors are shrinking so the medicine is doing its job. Of course, I know that it is God who is shrinking those tumors! Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him!!!!
I want to thank everyone who showered me with hats and scarves! I now need outfits to match all of the cute hats so I am in the process of convincing Steve to take me shopping! Just kidding! To my delight on Sunday morning many of the women wore hats to worship to encourage me on my first Sunday without hair! It is such a blessing to be part of an incredible christian family and to feel all of the support and love we have received since my diagnosis. Through all of your prayers God has given me such peace and I know that He is carrying me through it all! To God be the glory!
I will try to keep this blog updated with specific prayer requests and prayers of thanksgiving and just general updates on my cancer and the treatment of it. Thanks for reading this and please comment if you have the time.